What is enough vacuum for power brakes?

Even a cam that gives you only 8 or 9" vac. at idle (900 rpm's) will still operate the booster and, it should be well above that value when driving or coasting. I suggest you connect a vac. gauge and get a reading at slow idle, fast idle and maybe above 2000. Depending on final drive ratio and where you do most driving, any cam over the factory (H.P.) grind would not be my own choice. Nothing quite like getting a 'chirp' in all four gears - - and 15" vac. at idle.

Went out and put a gauge on it and it fluctuates between 8" and 9" at idle about 850 RPM. And raised RPM's to 2000 and it was fluctuating between 15" and 16".
Really liked the sound of this cam setup and driving to local cruises and gettogether's would be the most - maybe take it one time down the 1/4 mile to see what it does.