Random pictures thread

holy frijole... 44 in one visit?
They're not all so puffed up, but yes. Anywhere from my calves to my head. One on my lower lip (that hurt like a MF), one just below my eye, 3 on my ears....They are Actinic Keratosis lesions, not full blown cancer yet, but considered to be a pre-cancerous condition. Best to take care of them with N2 than to have to cut them out under a knife later. I could show you photos of what that looks like, but I'll spare you that indignity. The little basal cell carcinomas are not real exciting, but a melanoma biopsy will get your attention in a hurry.
All in all, that's about an average visit. Doc says that some of these could have been from sun exposure and damage that occurred 20 or 30 years ago.