here's a new one



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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so i had to stop by the store today to ship some car parts to a FABO member

it just so happens there is a USPS service desk at the local supermarket, so rather then going to the post office i decided to go to the supermarket and pick up a gallon of milk while i was out

now, to keep things interesting i took all three of the girls with me
and you know the drill, specially this time of year, can i have this, can i have that

well, i was expecting the toy aisle, or the snacks or maybe a bottle of high fructose corn syrup but today, the girls got all excited when they saw one display and the came running back to me

"can we have a new mask? oh please"

They put a billboard up in town recently. It says if you want your friends to live you’ll wear a mask.
Our governor, at the end of his commercial talking about how to stay safe, finishes with "Wear the damn mask"

Real professional, he is. Not!
I hope you got them the masks? How old are they? I'll buy them the masks.
I hope you got them the masks? How old are they? I'll buy them the masks.
Two seven year olds and a two year old

And yes, I bought them the masks
(I dont think its a secret I dont wear one myself, but the kids don't quite get to make that decision yet)

The 2 year old was happy holding the milk, so she didn't get one
Good for you. You're a great Dad. New spark plugs? Or Masks for a few kids? I'd get the Masks for kids I've never met in a heartbeat. :)
Good for you. You're a great Dad. New spark plugs? Or Masks for a few kids? I'd get the Masks for kids I've never met in a heartbeat. :)

thanks man

one of the seven year olds isnt mine, but she spends so much time at our place, she might as well be...and pretty much gets treated like she is
Yeah, my kids think they are cool, too - just because they are something "new". For that reason, I usually don't take them with me. I am not a fan of them either.
That’s the great thing about living in America! Freedom to choose. I have, had, a great friend and neighbor of 30 years who made the choice to half wear his mask. He died today after 6 weeks on a freaking ventilator! Yea, after the election it will just go away!
That’s the great thing about living in America! Freedom to choose. I have, had, a great friend and neighbor of 30 years who made the choice to half wear his mask. He died today after 6 weeks on a freaking ventilator! Yea, after the election it will just go away!

My condolences.
That’s the great thing about living in America! Freedom to choose. I have, had, a great friend and neighbor of 30 years who made the choice to half wear his mask. He died today after 6 weeks on a freaking ventilator! Yea, after the election it will just go away!
it's one mighty damned indiscriminate killer ~ sorry about your friend
That’s the great thing about living in America! Freedom to choose. I have, had, a great friend and neighbor of 30 years who made the choice to half wear his mask. He died today after 6 weeks on a freaking ventilator! Yea, after the election it will just go away!
Sorry to hear about this.
My condolences to his friends and family.
Sorry to hear about this.
My condolences to his friends and family.

Our pastor died of covid, he didnt have anything else wrong w/ his health , he wore a mask most of the time . The song leaders wife came down w/ it , she wore a mask all the time , and wasn`t around the pastor at all !
Our pastor died of covid, he didnt have anything else wrong w/ his health , he wore a mask most of the time . The song leaders wife came down w/ it , she wore a mask all the time , and wasn`t around the pastor at all !
Not that you know of. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors or out of town at the No Tell Motel.