why a custom built converter isn't for everyone....

Imo i think it depends. If you are building a purpose build race car and that is the only thing your gonna do with it then yea a custom single use converter is probably necessary. But (and yea i know were on the racers forum) but the way we use our cars, and by we i mean guys like you, me, j par, jaba, sam, etc the guys that actually drive their cars ( or want to lol) then a multi purpose converter would be nice. I know when i asked on here about a stall multiple people told me 3500 when i called the company (brand converter i purchased) they told me do not get a stall higher than my cruising speed or lower than my cam power start. My cam (power range) is from 1500-5000 and my cruising rpm is around 2800 so i chose a stall that was 1600-2200 now granted that 3500 stall that everyone recommended may give me a better quartermile time but thats not my goal.

I don’t know who you called but they screwed you. You can buy a converter that will flash to 3500 easily and drive like it’s 2200. Have one in the shop in getting ready to install, and just helped a buddy with the same thing.

It’s not 1980 anymore. Don’t know how many times I can say that. If they told you a 3500 converter was too loose and you ended up with a 2200, you gave up driveability. Exactly what you didn’t want to give up.