Something Different: What COVID-19 Changes Do You Hope Stay Around?

I'm 67, so already spend most of my time at home.
I'm a garbage man, have not seen any cutbacks, and covid can kiss me where the sin never shines.
The only thing I hope returns to normal is seeing ALL my kids come home at the same time, with their babies, which,except for one are past their "terrible-twos" now.
So, you could say, that covid has been a blessing for me, as I hated the terrible-twos when I went thru them, and it is hard for me to watch my kids struggle with it.
And, thru it all, the price of gasoline has constantly been down, sometimes more than 30% even; so it would be nice if that continues.
The only work I do at home is figure out new ways to get comfortable on the couch. and sometimes I run/walk the wife's dog.