Something Different: What COVID-19 Changes Do You Hope Stay Around?

Hopefully employers will take a second look at their sick time policies and procedures.

If I have a cold, I want to stay home and not come infect others. it may be 3-5 working days (or maybe more) before I return.
Many places require a doctor's note to return to work.
Why should I, A- need to go to the doctor for a common cold? and B- schedule and pay for a doctor's office call to tell me I had a cold.
While I'm on it- WTF does anyone go to the doctor with a cold?

I had a regularly scheduled Dr appt in June.
On my way out, at the scheduling desk for my next appt, there was one person ahead of me.
This person was wearing medical scrubs and had an ID card from the same facility.
As I approached, I heard him say "I need an appointment, I have over 50 patients to see tomorrow".
The scheduler said "I'm trying to work you in".
Scrubs guy then said "I really just need some meds for this cough, so I can breathe".

At that point, I backed WAY off and made sure not to touch anything.
What happened next shocked me-

The scheduler, then said "Shhh, don't say anything about coughing or not being able to breathe, or you'll get a mandatory test or 14 days at home".


#1, this guy is going to treat symptoms, and then come to work and interact with 50 other people (possibly intimately)?
#2, this guy is a medical professional, and he thinks it's OK to do this?
#3, the scheduler is coaching people on how to avoid getting tested and/or quarantined?

Even if not a pandemic situation, I don't want my doctor (or any doctor) coming to work and interacting with people that may already have other health issues.....while they're sick.