the great mask debate

I agree with DionR 100%..TOO much conflicting info on the mask wearing to feel like it really protects anyone UNLESS it is a gas mask or an N100 at least, which i see no one wearing those.We have 2 guys at work that religiously wear there masks. 1 of them would every now and then remove his for a brief minute or so and the other NEVER took his off..very religiously wore his from the start of all this and BOTH of them ended up with this crap! 1 has gotten through it and didnt get hit too hard and the other has had double pnuemonia from it. Again, both religious mask wearers from the start.. Another guy wore his and rode in a car with 2 others and STILL spread it to them! Again, ive seen way too much conflicting info from different doctors and scientists to believe that these cheap masks or cloth masks work and ive seen enough evidence around me to say they dont. Now i am more apt to believe the doctor that said you would need at least an N100 to do any good, again, especially after what ive witnessed at my job.I will say that if i saw the right proof that they worked, i would be wearing one as much as i could stand..Just like this friggin vaccine..thats all we hear is about this vaccine, yet there has been 2 medications proven to get rid of the damn thing but you dont hear about that..