the great mask debate

First I don't believe politicians and I don't subscribe to anything the media professes in editorial segments. I am a simple data analyst. I think, (that means this is an opinion of my own), that the mask is a pressure valve. Communities are desperate to keep businesses open and do as little damage to the economy if they can and certainly avoid lockdowns. the lynch pin to that is HOSPITAL CAPACITY. Since no-one can know how hard the funk will hit each of us, no-one can predict how many of us will need to visit the doctor. Ya'll know what its like when a simple cold goes around your community. I would bet that there is a lot of demographic probability going on in each of our communities and weighing that against how many people can get treated for whatever at any given time at the hospital. The mask isn't supposed to be the 100% way to not get the funk, and it certainly isn't supposed to save your life by itself. Its supposed to slow down how many of us get it at once so hospitals don't get overrun. I think that is how they supposedly save lives. Wear it, don't wear it, just keep an eye on local active case numbers and how your local hospital is coping with the load.... the communities that can't keep up at the ER are the ones talking lockdown.
I may be full of poop