Restored car pet peeves

My pet peeves at a car show are:

-Anything that arrived on a trailer. If you can't drive it there you don't deserve to show it off. No excuses for trips under a thousand miles.

-Anything not built at least in part by the owner. If you paid somebody else to build the entire car, did you bring them? Because I don't need a play-by-play on how you wrote the check.

-Anything driven less than a thousand miles annually. Less than that and it's just a garage ornament, not a car. If you really want my attention it's gotta go at least 5k a year.

-Anyone that tells me my car didn't come like that from the factory. Yeah, no kidding, I did it. Yes it's a clone, no it's not numbers matching, no that's not the factory color, and no, I don't care what you think about that because it isn't your car.

-Anyone that talks crap about any classic after driving a modern car to the show. Sorry, zero credibility. Maybe it's a hunk of junk, but they drove it here.

This whole thread is why I stopped going to car shows. Bunch of uptight, geriatric wankers stroking each other off over cars they mostly didn't build and barely even drive. Boring.