Explain this?

Correct language means squat these days. People can't even spell correctly anymore and when they talk they're always talking up. We were taught that you talk up when asking a question. What happened to adjectives? Hardly used anymore. How many times have you heard "so fun"? What happened to "so much fun"?
Kids today, if they don't don't have their phones with them they are totally lost and don't like to talk much face to face. They'd rather text. Everybody is a winner and gets atrophy whether you win or lose because little Johnny might get upset. Well wake up buttercup because you're in a for a big surprise in the real world.
Not the best speller language arts not my best subject. I try hard spell check a good thing but I found when I got a phone that could text there was a completely new language to learn. My youngest sent me my first text in it he used abbreviation IDK. Puzzled I text him back, what does that mean? He replied I don’t know. To which I replied what do you mean you don’t know you texted it to me. It’s the times and equipment we have that shape our language. If you look in dictionary, ya an actual printed paper book the word EH is there definition waiting for a response. My grandma would have had a problem with that.