Explain this?

Not the best speller language arts not my best subject. I try hard spell check a good thing but I found when I got a phone that could text there was a completely new language to learn. My youngest sent me my first text in it he used abbreviation IDK. Puzzled I text him back, what does that mean? He replied I don’t know. To which I replied what do you mean you don’t know you texted it to me. It’s the times and equipment we have that shape our language. If you look in dictionary, ya an actual printed paper book the word EH is there definition waiting for a response. My grandma would have had a problem with that.
That's funny. Can you imagine 50 years ago telling your parents we'd be having a mobile phone, texting and sending pictures through the internet and the phone corrects your spelling? They'd have said we were crazy. All these electronics devices are wonderful tools but we've lost the art of talking to each other. Take time to put them down and enjoy the real world.