Dart GT returns from the paint shop!

This car is being built as a long distance road trip car. The first one will start here in Washington State at the start of the Pacific Coast highway - Rt 101, go south to Santa Monica, turn east and follow Rt 66 to Chicago, then jump on the old Lincoln Highway to the east coast timed to go to Carlisle and the Nats in Columbus and whatever else we can cram in. We plan to leave the car with relatives for a year. Come back and hit the shows again, then drive back across the country probably doing Rt 66 again and home to Washington State.

So why Plum Crazy paint? My wife and I plan to take lots of long trips in the car, so I sat her down and asked her what she wanted in the car. She said comfortable seats (check), a good sound system (check), easy to handle on the road (check), cold AC for the desert sections and the east coast heat in summer (check), oh and one more thing.... my wife is pretty conservative when it comes to flashy cars, but then she said, ..." you know that beautiful purple color they used in 1970???". And there you have it !!!