Dart GT returns from the paint shop!

Looks awesome!! In 2019 my wife and I traveled Route 66 to CA, then up the coastal Hwy to WA, then back home to MN, it was so much fun! We went 5,300 miles in 12 days, they say it takes 2 weeks to really enjoy Route 66 and I believe it, I really hope to go back some day and see it again, I really miss it and the mother road is so amazing, be sure to see the older parts of the toad where it exists, there are some places in OK that look like a frontage road and deserted....but it was old 66! The people we met along the way were great, awesome shops and greasy spoon restaurants! The coastal Hwy was also awesome along with the views and redwoods too....amazing trip and I think about it all the time, we took our road trip car, wasn’t old like yours but really fun to drive!






