275 hp reliable?

Hello, Linked is a post that mentions a couple of well known slant six racers that have not have issues with running stock slant six pistons and rods with boost
Limits of cast pistons on boost? - Slant Six Forum

Dirty white boy, please provide a link to support your claims that stock slant six pistons and rods will not support low to medium boost with proper tuning,

here is quote from one of those posts "get well above 400 HP with stock-type internals, but I like to take my time and not blow things up."

I know Lou and have raced against Lou,, so Dirty White Boy, please respond with evidence to your insight. Have you ever been a participant in a Slant Six . Org Drag Race? Please respond with where and when.

@Charrlie_S races his nitrous car with a stock bottom end. They are way more stout than given credit for.