Maybe the saddest M-Code Cuda you will ever come across

"So i show up at the cuda guy's house with a pocket full of cash, he comes to the door and says: "i'm sorry, i just sold the car." being both shocked and pissed off, i said: "you just sold the car, i thought you were going to wait till i got here?" then the guy said that "some guy from up-state New York" showed up with a box trailer and i sold it to him for $2000." well, i've got to say, i've missed some deals on cars in the past but never quit like this one."

If I were you in that situation, I would have wanted to punch him in the face and then hired myself as my lawyer! The way he did you was shitty. :mad:
From the first time to the second time Jim showed up, the guy sold a lot of parts off the car.