
Porcelain over cast iron is VERY nice.
Quite non stick

Cast iron (buy the oldest one you can find or the heaviest one.)
Kinda non stick.

Allclad, stainless or copper
Kinda non stick

Allclad, non stick.
Nothing sticks to it. Ever.

Magnalite, professional.

Like a cross between cast iron and a Allclad.
Kinda non stick.

I own and use all of the above and they are all excellent.

My cast iron skillet is VERY old. It never gets put away, almost never gets washed. (I dont care what you think, thats how I do it.) It belonged to my grandmother and we use it almost every day.

I take cooking seriously. It's one of my favorite things to do. I am actually baking a Roast now and the entire house smells great!

If your married, her friends are jealous. If your single there will be a line forming at the front door..... Women like men who cook like a boss....