Stop in for a cup of coffee

Some days you just can’t win...

Started to take apart the fallen 18’ pine tree today. Since it is only about 8” in diameter at the base, I used a bow saw. Started at the top to lop off the top 6’.

Well, it’s on a steep slope and the ground is saturated from all the rain. I got mostly through it and it started to break and twisted. The ground under my feet slid and as I tried to grab it to stabilize it and wrenched the hell out of my back. I think I slipped a disc in my lower back and now I am in wicked pain. There is no position that makes it stop hurting. I can’t do anything but lay on the floor and try to get it to slip back with stretches and twists.


This is the same old injury come back to haunt me. It’s been several years since something like this happened and I know I’m in for a week of misery until it corrects itself.

What a fitting end to 2020. :BangHead:
Sorry to hear this Dave....Yup an F'd up year for sure .......:mob: