Ontario Canada restoration shops.

You haven’t mentioned what your budget is, however, whatever that number is, have at least 1/3 to 1/2 of that budget figure for contingency on top of that. Especially if your budget figure is anywhere between $15k to $25k. If your down at $10k, have double that for contingency. There will always be surprises.

It reads like you kinda know it’s going to be a costly restoration but you’re trying to see if there’s a ‘silver bullet’ to save you lots of $. There isn’t.

Remember, which two of the three do you want? Cheap, fast and reliable.

I have no illusions on how this works nor looking for a silver bullet. I'm mainly trying to find a shop that has a good reputation and isn't $130 an hour. After that its basically a coin flip, whatever my budget is, it can easily run out depending what is found. I got no deadlines so time isn't an issue. I'm building a driver and not a show car so I got that going for me also. If I Can get the car back for 30k or under that would be a great day imo. Anything over that, and my wife is going to have to start selling more houses to help lol.

I'm hoping to get a few shops that seem good, and then I'll trailer the car out to them myself and let them have a look. I won't get any hard numbers, but being stripped, they should have an idea of where to start and estimate surprises.