Facebook Is A Cesspool

I'll give another example of why I hate fb groups, there was a member here that was in a bad way and posted about it and created a gofundme. Now im not a rich man by any means im probably not even considered middle class tbh I'm in the poverty class if you go by the "standard" but this man's story touched me and I donated like 20 bucks or something even tho I don't have much I'm not above helping someone out. I can go without 20 bucks for week, anyway I posted and shares this guys story on one of the mopar groups on fb and the comments was absolutely sicking!!! Not one person said you know what let's help this guy out in his time of need, it was all horrible horrible stuff putting the guy down for being in the situation. Not one person stepped up and helped. But on here there was a different member that got ripped off in a ebay deal or something and spent all his money on a part that he needed and we came together and together raised the money and found the part he needed so he could get it!