1969 Dodge Dart Swinger clean up

Borrowed one of my Daughters cheap candles to melt the wax, so I could coat the steering boxes input and output shaft seals. This is to protect them from blasting media damage.
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Input shaft seal covered in wax.
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Output seal covered nicely in wax. Will use a heat gun to melt it off after I blast and clear coat the box.
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Taped off the adjuster "nuts" threads, with a bit of a flare at the base, so glass media wouldn't work it's way into the box. Not rebuilding the steering box as functionally it appears to be mint.
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Not for the faint of heart. Full coveralls on, mechanics skull cap, respirator, goggles, full face shield, gloves over top of the coverall wrists and sweep the floor BEFORE you start...
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Using my small cabinets blast gun, as after starting forgot that my spot blaster unit is a POS.
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Getting there. If I ever run across the dipshit that painted HALF of it black with POR-15 I'll kick'm in the nads!
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Why I said to sweep the floor before you start! So you can sweep up and save your crushed glass.
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Ain't that purdy. Just waiting for it's clear coat.
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Blasted the adjuster last and still didn't disturb the wax protection for the seal.
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