What happened to the reasonably priced project car?

We are all responsible. Imagine you have an old Hot rod sitting beside that Pole barn in sight from the road and some kid just happens to come along and ask if it's for sale..... And on that day you say I been thinking about it. $$$ is the first thing to cross your mind and how much. This kid has maybe a couple hundred bucks. And that's where it ends. Nope, everyone knows the system and how it works. And nobody will just let it go no matter the condition. Sure there will be exceptions but the norm is it's an old car and worth a bunch of money.....

Reality shows, bored rich people, and auctions did this. But the same could be said for beer cans too ( true fact...) Personally, you can have it. Yep, I still have one but wouldn't even consider what people pay for what I call junk today. Nope, I will head right on down to the car lot and get new muscle. But for those who continue the fight, it's your life and if it makes you happy then go for it. Just don't be upset when you get "upside down" in the pocket book and try to recoup your losses. In most cases it won't feel good lol...