Another "Is Fuel Injection a Worthwhile Upgrade?" Question

I have come very close to pulling the trigger on a fuel injection unit several times. I have considered the Holley and Edelbrock units. I have decided against it each time because of the multitude of posts both here and other places where people who claim the are competent mechanics have had TROUBLE with them. I understand the potential advantages FI can offer, but what about all of these people with all of these problems?????

A Holley Sniper plus the associated parts (EFI gas tank with pump and regulator, Hyperspark distributor and a laptop) will run you about $2500. It is the best investment a person can make if they really want to learn tuning theory. It isn't for everyone, a lot of old school hot rodders have trouble wrapping their heads around digital tuning, but if you are interested in really learning how to tune a performance engine then it is the way to go. You'll learn tuning theory much faster with digital controls since you can tune faster, you have more control, and you have the built in data logging.

I wouldn't make the leap unless you are committed though since the learning curve can be a little frustrating. Some people just can't ever seem to grasp digital tuning since it is different than everything they learned. Other people don't have any trouble adapting. I've seen some guys come up to speed almost instantly while other people seem to just lock up. If your brain locks up when people start talking about computers then best to sit this round out. The next generation of aftermarket EFI will most likely be even easier to use.