Are you as cheap as I am??

I am old, raised by older parents that went thru the real Great Depression, same with my wife. They taught "frugule".
We have food in the freezer and pantry enough to feed a Mexican army for years.
I seen actually seen some hard times like many.
My dad would straighten used nails and reuse.

I have a friend that strains used ATF and runs his farm trunk on.
I was raised to clean my plate.... was told there are some kids in this world going hungry every day.
When I was a kid, hand me downs from my older cousin.... he had nice clothes... I still get excited about free clothes!
Dad would put that old 49 Chevy into neutral going down hills.
I hated when we ran out of gas.New spark plugs? ha

If I went drove hunting, dad counted my shells I shot and the number of birds brought home. Better be at least 2 birds per every 3 shells. The list is long.

The list is long.
I got a lot of my frugality from my mom she was a child in rural Alabama during the depression