Love Winter ?

Congrats on getting clean. A great accomplishment. Too bad others can't follow you.
When you get to my age you learn to hate Winter and all that goes with it.
I'd just love Spring, Summer and Fall especially Spring and Fall when it's not so stinking hot and humid like Summer is. You don't have to shovel sunshine either.
Congratulations once again, I'm sure there's lots of help out there who want to get off the junk.
I do have a question for you though. We have clean injection sites here in Canada (as in the U.S. I'm sure). They supply clean needles and whatever they use instead of ******. Does this encourage people to continue usage or does it really help to get them off the stuff? There are lots of views from the experts but interested in your views having gone through it. Hope you don't mind me asking?
In my opinion on that is it is just like having a mom or dad who will give you money no questions asked. It is possible to quit any of the hard drugs, but the only way I know is changing everything, the so called friends gotta go, I had the opportunity to be in drug court; that put alot of responsibility on me & with the prison sentence carrot dangling in front of my head it made those responsibilities turn into building blocks to grow myself into a self respecting man again, I joined AA because I had an alcohol problem as well & also didn't have to hear the drug stories which were a sure fire trigger early on, I met alot of friends, my wife & finished all my stuff knowing I had done a great thing for myself. Hope that helps answer your question, but injection sites won't help anyone get clean, the hard part is getting thru the withdrawal period, mine lasted 47 days & it took another 4 months before I could eat, sleep & think clearly. But I still am involved in my recovery after 9 years because it saved me.
Even though I don't want to ever use again.