Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

Oh man I fit burgers in my mouth constantly. My metabolism is outta control it never stopped since my teens. I walk a ton for work and at home around 11k steps a day. Everyone at the hospital kept saying why are you here, and your to skinny be on in the Cath surgery room. Maybe I have a genetic defect still not sure, but ima try enjoy every minute i feel healthy.

Me too in the club now. I believe 100% it can be a genetic issue. On my mom's side, my grandfather dead from heart attack in his late 40's, grandma major heart attack 59 YO, Uncle massive HA age 58, bypass a few years later. My mom had issues starting around age 58-60, lived another 25 years. Lucky me at 58, I got it too. Med Tech is so much further advanced so hopefully that weighs in my favor.

Yeah don't ignore even the slightest strange pain radiating from your chest or into your back/neck area. There are a bunch more indications than the old left arm tingling.