Another "Is Fuel Injection a Worthwhile Upgrade?" Question

Well the summary I see is some efi guys saying they are an upgrade to carbs in everyway, and the carb guys saying it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. At least that is what I am saying. Then when the fact that a carb makes more power ,is cheaper, and has great drivability when tuned properly is brought up suddenly carb guys are ignorant cavemen stuck in the dark ages and don't know how to send an email.
There are allot of situations I would run efi including a 4x4, a car with a turbo or even a pro touring car that I want to drive the wheels off of to name just a few. That said I would go with the most reliable/proprietary system and not worry about cost etc.
All I think the carb guys are saying is efi has it's place but it is not an upgrade to a properly tuned carb for the average enthusiast unless you are looking for specific benefits and want to deal with the added expense and time.