Losing Interest

IDK if I’m losing interest, probably just re-prioritizing what’s important in my life.

I spent a lot of the past few years making my ‘69 GTS what I wanted it to be between the rest of the things life threw at me. I even parked it for two full years with zero attention as I dealt with my Father’s final fight with dementia until his death along with supporting my Brother-in-law in his fight with liver cancer until his eventual death too.

There are many things I still want to do on the GTS, and I will get to them as time goes...but the priority is different for me now.

Cars have become a smaller part of my life now as other things have become larger. It doesn’t mean I still don’t want and enjoy them, it’s just their place on my life’s priority list has changed.

What we enjoy and prioritize in life is an evolution that we all find ourselves faced with. Changing priorities doesn't mean rejecting our passions, it just means placing them in a different level of importance in our lives.
Very, very well said. Pretty much sums it up for me too