"Graveyard Carz"...any fans here?

My son tipped me off to a series on MotorTrend channel called "Graveyard Carz", which deals with historically correct restorations of sixties and seventies Mopar cars, mostly rare and collectible performance cars. If one can overlook the mostly-retarded antics of Mark, who alone in the dark and twisted recesses of his warped mind, believes he is both humorous and witty as well as being a gifted entertainer, (not) and focus upon the cars, the incredible near-perfect restorations and the extreme talent of his very adept crew, the show can be an invaluable learning lesson for the Mopar fan. Mark's knowledge alone is legendary, and in the moments when he is serious and imparting knowledge, it would be hard to imagine a better teacher/instructor in the craft of rebuilding wrecks and derelicts, many of which are in Titanic-like disrepair. Having just discovered this show a couple weeks ago, I've been binge watching episodes on On Demand in an effort to get caught up to present day, though I can only imagine how Covid has affected such a business. Any other fans (or haters, even)?