LA 318 Dying when put in gear and high idle issue solved!

Gap changes timing but you change the timing to the set point by rotating the distributor. So in effect one cancels the other. I will say this one more time. IT TAKES AIR to make an engine run. If you cannot idle it down, it is getting air (and fuel) from someplace. You can say you and I disagree all you want but engines don't work that way.

I'm sorry your panties are in a big 'ol wad

It also takes SPARK to make a gasoline fueled engine run. Something that it won't get if the magnetic pickup isn't functioning like it should. This isn't about disagreeing, it's literal science. Sorry YOU cannot understand that. Faulty magnetic pickup = faulty spark. There's no reason to argue just to argue, I already know I'm right. I tested it. I found the solution. I shared my experience to help others. You're trying to discredit my solution as if you were there, or that I am lying. So you're kind of no longer needed here.