When were you bitten by the car bug??

As far back as I can remember.
My dad was a "car guy" but not into modifications in any way. He would only drive a Hudson. I remember watching him do home garage type maintenance when I was really young (my 'seat' in the garage was a 12"x12"x12" block of wood).
I also remember sitting on his lap and "steering" while he worked the pedals during long family road trips.
One of the fun things we did was to go and watch the quarter-midget races at a local track. One of our family friends had a car that their daughter drove. That was my earliest recollection of any oval track racing.
Unfortunately, dad passed when I was only 7 years old.
Shortly after that our family friend's daughter aged out of being able to drive their quarter-midget and they offered me the ride, but my mom told them she was sure I didn't want to do that (she never asked me). If only my dad hadn't died so early. Who knows what the future may have brought?


I remember sitting on the floor by myself watching early NASCAR television coverage on the little black-and-white screen in the Philco TV/radio/record player console in the living room.
After a couple of years I got into building model cars.
The first car magazine I ever bought was the April 1963 Hot Rod with the McMullen '32 roadster on the cover. I was 14 and we were on an Easter Break vacation in Sequoia National Park. The cover of that mag stopped me in my tracks when I walked into the little store. It was awesome. I must have worn the pages in the magazine out reading about that car.