

famous bob

mopar misfit
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
I`m losing interest in this forum more and more .
Not much about the original intent , and a lot of political stupidity is ruining it for me ,
welcome to the new world order --retards !!

Not intended to to those that I have agreed with in the past .
even the main forum?

i am very outspoken both political and theological, but i try to check my politics at the door
I don't spend my time here to talk about politics. I'm here seeking knowledge and sharing knowledge about cars. I do a lot of lurking and if I have something constructive to add I do. IF NOT I mostly keep it to myself and move on.

The world is a scary place and full of retards. We should ALL spend more time reading the Bible and preparing for the end of times. GOD help us all !!!
I`m losing interest in this forum more and more .
Not much about the original intent , and a lot of political stupidity is ruining it for me ,
welcome to the new world order --retards !!

Not intended to to those that I have agreed with in the past .

I can relate somewhat but, I have made the choice to venture into the political side of the forum and, poke the bears. If we want something different from our experience on here then it's up to us to get back to why we joined....the cars...
I come here for fun, share knowledge and gain knowledge. Did I say for "fun"? If a title of a thread is clearly political or something, I usually don't click on it. This one said "me", that could be anything... LOL
we are in a Politically charged environment right now, does this forum have a political sub forum to keep it separate? I realize some may want to get away from politics and come talk cars. i know i need a break :)
Honestly, I'm tired of politics and sort of wish it wasn't allowed here. There are a multitude of other places for that. None of it has anything to do with cars unless you're going to tell me my cars are going to be illegal to own or something like that, then we discuss how to change it etc. I've seen politics creep into clubs too. Just avoid it here. There was someone here today, looking for a way to poke the bear or something... for goodness sake, WHY!? Go somewhere else with that crap....PLEASE...
If you go into your preferences and scroll down you can uncheck the political forum section. Not sure what it really does.
I backed out of the political forum a long time ago. IMO it has no place on here at all.
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If you go into your preferences and scroll down you can uncheck the political forum section. Not sure what it really does.

yeah I'm not even joined to that area but every once in a while someone tries to lob something in the middle of the floor like this morning.
I try to avoid political discussion for the most part. All it does is create infighting and mudslinging.
That being said, the rules for the political forum are laid out plainly and clearly before you sign up. Political stuff is limited to that sub-forum, so if that sort of stuff bothers you, don't go there. Mods have been really good about keeping political stuff "inside the fence"...hats off to them for a job well done!
I’m not part of the political forum, didn’t even realize there was one until recently!

Don’t really see political conversations on this forum, actually a nice change from other forums I’m part of.
Stay out of News and Politics. You can go into your settings and turn it off and you will not see any of the threads.
I admit I read and sometimes comment in the N & P but since the evening news is total BS, I like to see some honest opinions.
But I agree this is a Mopar site and therefore I spend 99% of my time with such. No doubt the best Mopar site, period with the best people.
I think I'm going to go in and shut off the political forum. I have found myself spending too much time poking bears and, not enough time on the cars.
I don't think any of us can always agree on any subject but we love our cars and projects we put our minds and hands to do.
I for one like all the sites and if I don't like what someone else does I stay off and read something else.
Found a lot of good friends on here and learned a lot and wouldn't trade the friends and knowledge Iv'e gathered for money.
You know, used to be political leanings were a private thing. Now it seems like everybody has to throw it out there as if to be lookin for a fight. There's just too much hate involved. I have some liberal views, but am mostly right of center. I respect other peoples' views, because that's our right to believe how we want. I have a lot of Chevy friends too.
You know, used to be political leanings were a private thing. Now it seems like everybody has to throw it out there as if to be lookin for a fight. There's just too much hate involved. I have some liberal views, but am mostly right of center. I respect other peoples' views, because that's our right to believe how we want. I have a lot of Chevy friends too.

Ya know that is how I was raised, you don’t talk about who you voted for thats your business.
Political forums tend to be a magnet for drama queens. Things that normally wouldn’t get their panties in a bunch seem to get an extra turn in those settings:p
Almost all car sites I go to don't allow or have a place for politics. Even Joey said to me it's a pain in the *** here. If you'll notice the most ardent people there are seldom anywhere else but there, and when in GD they will cross the line. If it isn't over the line NOW it never will be. It should be removed from here and if those members don't like it, there are many, way to many, other sites for them to go to.
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Better to have it in the Political section. I doubt the heavy hitters there would leave FABO for political talk and just take it to the general forums and really piss off and overwork the Mods.
Better to have it in the Political section. I doubt the heavy hitters there would leave FABO for political talk and just take it to the general forums and really piss off and overwork the Mods.

Then ban them.