One year off the sauce today

It was the person that started whatever addiction, then say they are clean/sober found God, well good for them. I don’t want to hear it. And i especially don’t want hear some recovering addict or born again Christian saying that “you should find God or quit (fill in the blank). How about this instead, you quit your addiction or found God, great! Now keep it to yourself and move on with your life. Don’t preach to others that what they are doing is “bad” or that they need to “accept Jesus in your heart “. How much of that quitting alcohol abuse, or drugs did the taxpayer provide? Give ya hint, more than you’d really like to know.

So ya got off the sauce, great. Now have a coke and smile and shut the **** up! You quit smoking, great, STFU! You found found Jesus, great! Put a bumper sticker on your car. You stopped using drugs, outstanding, STFU!

Then don’t open the thread. Damn dude, grow up and control your own behavior.