Another "Is Fuel Injection a Worthwhile Upgrade?" Question

I'm not an expert in these areas, that's why I asked for assistance. I'm not an expert with fuel injection, that's why I asked for knowledge from this forum. I've helped members in the past unconditionally, with my own parts I've collected over the years. It seems that several "experts" have tried to take control of this site with their "expert" opinions. All I wanted was some helpful tips or suggestions for my old man build of my old classic muscle car build. I'm ashamed to belong to belong to a site that meant so much to me when I joined a long time ago. It's turned into a big pissing contest about who has the biggest opinion or who has the most posts. This isn't the site I joined long before I joined way earlier than most of y'all joined. I'm torn between leaving, or hoping people can work together. Paul.