Stop in for a cup of coffee

That was back and forth. Didn't see all of that one, went out to eat with my daughter.
Funny we went to our neighborhood sports bar. At the bar as usual was a group of regulars including a guy, who works for Cheryl He was with his wife. He knew Cheryl was out of town this weekend visiting her mother. I didn't notice them at first, but I saw his wife walk by us really slow looking the other way, heading to the other side of the bar, and doesn't say a word to me. A few minutes later she comes back by looking away as she passes the table. I looked over and saw her husband staring at us. It dawns on me what they must think is going on. They think I on a "date". This daughter that I'm out with is 30 years old. She has my humor, and when I told her what I thought was going on she did the girl giggle as she patted my hand on the table. That went on the rest of the time as we sat there. When we got up to leave she gave me a big hug. When I talked to Cheryl. and told her what had happened. she was laughing. She can't wait to see how he breaks the news to her, or if he does. It was fun!!

When I worked at the engine plant, my son and I were eating in Mexican Village at our favorite restaurant there... My son was only about 5 or 6 years old at the time. I saw a guy, Bruce, that worked in the audit department at the plant, he was the supervisor and was having dinner with his wife...

They audit one of every engine that they make there every day.... They run it on a dyno for a quick run, then tear it down and look for defects... The defects are rated on a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being the most severe - a for sure engine failure.... Or if we find more than one of these failures we call it a "no build".... For example a loose connecting rod bolt... If they do find a 10 demerit in basic audit, the engine line manager, supervisor where it was made and the engineer that was responsible for that line had to review the failure, verify that the engines being built on the line do not have that same failure, and within 24 hours and have a preventive action to prevent it from happening again...

So I try to convince my son to walk right by his booth and say, "We had a 10 demerit in basic audit today", but he was too shy to do it...

Bruce and I eventually became lunch buddies with a couple other fellow employees and went out to lunch on a regular basis... One day at lunch I told him about that where I tried to get my son to say, "We got a 10 demerit in basic audit today" when he was eating at Mexican Village... Nobody else but an employee of the engine plant would know what that meant, it would have shocked him to hear a 6 year old say that, he would have turned his head immediately... :eek:
