I’m shattered emotionally....

Since our boy cat, Jeffrey passed about six months ago, our other cat, Gracie has become quite the spoiled little *****. Don't get me wrong I love her to death. She's always been a biter, usually just if we're playing. But anymore she'll start getting bitey if I don't feed her on time, or on her time. And when she's sleeping on my office chair in front of the computer, you do not want to try to move her, she gets really pissed and sometimes even hisses at me if I'm trying to kick her out of her favorite spot. Like this morning. For the most part she's very lovey dovey, and is always sitting by my side or on my lap, and loves rubbing her face all over mine and giving me head bonks. Total spoiled rotten daddy's girl.

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Pretty cat. Normally, when cats bite, it's a show of affection. Rarely will a good cat attack full force. We play with ours all the time scratching them on the tummy and letting them attack our hands. They enjoy playing. They draw blood on me all the time, but it's tiny little pin pricks. As tough as my hands are through all the years of workin on cars, they caint hurt me anyway. Not to mention, I enjoy it as much as they do.