318 - 340 Same Torque??

D0647697-E125-47A3-A801-11FA5D333E4F.jpeg 1506A6E6-1940-401E-8124-3DAD2E261440.jpeg Was just skimming thru old Hamtramck specs & options booklet for 69 Barracudas and noticed something unusual - the factory torque specs for the 318 and 340 are the same(!)
Both engines claim 340 ft lbs... and the 318 at 800 rpm lower with a 2bbl carb!! This can’t be right, can it?
I know factory claims for the 340 were fudged, and it’s possible this is a mistake or misprint, but I’m surprised no one at the factory caught it. Would anybody be able to shed some light on this?