Stop in for a cup of coffee

There was a tree in our front yard that had a large branch that bent and went over our street... My dad and brother tried to cut the branch off so it wouldn't fall on the street and hurt somebody as they drove/walked by... They got it mostly cut and it was just hanging a little, so they threw a rope around it and pulled on it to try to get the last part to let go and get the branch down....

It finally let go, fell on the ground and bounced up and hit my dad in the mouth... Tore half his lip off and it was hanging off the edge of his mouth.... He had to go to the hospital and took 4 1/2 hours and 63 stitches to put the lip back together.... Only 4 stitches outside his mouth, the rest inside... However the doctor who stitched him up was so good that he didn't need any plastic surgery to hide the scar after it healed...

You have to respect those hanging trees, they can do some damage to you if you're not careful....
My brother lost his eye in September and hasn't made it back to work or nor able to drive yet from a limb