Trouble with pertronix ignition

First, I doubt if the coil is 0.06 ohm. If it is it would be for CD ign [ like MSD 'box'] & that would certainly take out the Per module. Is it a misprint & actually 0.6 ohms? That would make more sense.
AFAIK, Per makes 3 types of elec ign conversions. Their requirements as far as ballast resistors etc varies, so the instructions need to closely followed for the model you are using.
They certainly do not seem to be very reliable & I would ditch it. Best bang for the buck [ & best spark for an inductive ign system ] as mentioned in post # 2, is the ebay Bosch type [ module mounted on the side of the dist ]. These are better than the Mopar elec systems in a few ways. Fewer connections, so greater reliability. They do NOT use a ballast res; a ballast res limits current & spark energy. The Bosch 4 pin modules are very reliable, were used in many brands of cars here. I have compared them to the GM HEI 4 pin module & they switch a little more current, about 5.7 amp v 5.5 amp. That is good, hotter spark. Some cars had 0.065" plug gaps, gives you an idea of the ign energy you get.