If you have been involved with a Terminal cancer patient step on in...

I lost both my grandfathers to cancer, my dad to complications due to cancer treatment even though he was in remission at the time. We lost my wifes grandfather and her mother to cancer.

During my mother in laws battle my wife had broken her ankle really bad and, required major surgery to fix it so, I transported my mother in law back and forth to her treatments. A very sobering time in life watching her fight and go through the things she went through knowing what the ultimate outcome would be.

I always attempted to keep our conversations light on our trips to and from her treatments and, sometimes I would have to get a little firm with her on trying to stay positive although, I couldn't imagine myself staying positive if I were in her position.

She ultimately lost her battle at age 53. I have seen the very dark side of cancer many times and, I feel there should be another option for people who are suffering terribly from a terminal situation. It's inhumane to allow your dog to suffer but, it's ok to let a human being to suffer every second of their life sometimes for months until they ultimately lose their life.

I remember watching my grandfather slowly die from brain cancer. This was one of the most horrific things I have seen in my life. The moans, screams and, things that went on have stuck with me since. That sadly is how I remember him...moaning...screaming...yelling from his bed not, the strong, proud man he was when healthy. During the time where our family members have taken a bad turn in their battle I have stood tall on putting my foot down on not allowing our kids when they were younger not to see this happen. I think it probably pissed off my wife a little and, maybe a couple members of her family but, I didn't want thier most vivid or lasting memories to be of them clinging to life. My wife thanks me for that now as she watched as an adult and, couldn't imagine how the kids could of gone through that.