January 18th 1991

Missed it by 3 days! Got out Aug 3, everyone after Aug 6 was extended.....Thank you sir!
Buddy went and remembered racing forward across the desert in a 50 MPH Hummer getting chased by Iraqi artillery. They drove right past the same artillery pieces that were now abandoned....
Got my L.E.S. in September, in the notes at the bottom it read, "Original ETS 01NOV90 extended. See PERSCOM for details"
I went to S-1 to find out what was going on, I was told I was "stop lossed" for 12 months.
The fuckers drafted me!
I was supposed to ETS 01 Nov, but by December I was in the dessert.
And yeah, I drank a lot of water and played a lot of spades, gin and hearts until all hell broke loose.