Wednesday webinar

Well I know I'm not a dummy, but I can't find it ! Had to drive over to commie land today for work will get you to the website. Then you have to find the webinar link and it will take you to the page that had 8 pages of webinars on it. Darin Morgan did a different webinar in December 2019 and it’s worth listening to, plus a ton of other webinars on there are too good not to learn from.

Today’s webinar should be posted by Friday at the above web address. It’s definitely worth the time to listen to. That guy can related to a grape. If he ever does the induction school again my fat arse is going, even have to hoard pain dope and drive there.

BTW, I’m sorry you are still going to that festering sewer. Hopefully soon you’ll never have to go back there and it can just rot away.