AG porting pictures

Do you know the specs for your cam yet? I'm curious because that's what the focus of my car will be and I had Jones give me a recommendation for a SFT that would be a very racy for road course and auto-X but still streetable. Curious how your specs would compare. I happen to have a new XE275HL sitting on the shelf and I was going to use it until I do the four speed swap. The cam Jones specced was with a manual in mind and he said it wouldn't do well with an automatic.

Not yet, YR and I were on the phone a little while ago and we’re talking cam specs. Once we figure it out, we’ll post. I have the XE285HL in now, what were we’re talking is closer to the 275 like you have. Im dropping the power brakes so that opens the selection up some, along with not going lower than 3.55’s and my gear vendor. I know YR will post more..