My Dart Swinger Project!

That's good news, glad you're moving forward. This site is amazing for sure. One more thing I gotta mention, I had 2 trusted guys not ask, but tell me to ditch my old wiring. It's spendy, dash harness was about $600 , engine forward was $180. Even though my old wiring was not hacked and only the blower feed looked crispy, I got all new, and man, the stuff is good. Awesome peace of mind. Actually, it was reading many electrical posts here that explained these older systems, and where and why they fail. I have no a/c, no stereo and a 60 amp alternator to keep loads reasonable. Just my 2 cents friend. Good luck and keep going!
Yea thats one of those things I know I need to do but am scared to death to try and pull off. I'm not the best with electrical and rewiring the whole car is very intimidating. I just think of all the little things that would have to be wired and I can't even wrap my head around it lol.