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I've always considered Canada & the US like brother & sister. It's nice to buy homegrown, but at what point should cost become a determining factor. If you want it cheap, Canadian or American made is usually out of the question. (our labor rates are too high) We expect to be paid top dollar, but we also expect to pay as little as possible for what we buy. Why do you think that so many American & Canadian companies have moved production offshore.

Milwaukee tools used to pride themselves as an All-American company. Now in order to remain competitive the majority of their production is offshore.

Are you prepared to pay double or more for your restoration parts. If you can afford it, all the more power to you. I & most others can't, so the parts are coming from overseas.

I used to work retail. I remember one day many years ago, a customer came & asked if we had any lumberjack shirts. I directed her to where they were. She came back complaining they were made in Korea. Did we not have any Canadian made ones. I showed her where they were. She took one look & said, "That's more than double the price of the other one" No amount of explaining could make her understand why. She left mad & emptyhanded.