The Luddites were a group of artisans in Europe at the dawn of the industrial revolution. Factories were being built to make crappy copies of their skilled products for a fraction of the cost because machined did the (crappy) work and they were facing the loss of their livelihoods. This I believe was the first significant revolt against technology, thus the term has come to represent anyone who rejects some type of modern technology.

I am a proud Luddite, demanding that technology prove itself superior to what it replaces before adopting it, and allowing enough time to pass so that the unintended negative consequences reveal themselves. As an example, I was a public lands manager for almost 40 years and kept a paper calendar for all of my appointments, which also served as a record of meetings and calls that I attended.. It always worked flawlessly and I still have that record of 40 years of my work. In the early 2000s my 20 years younger assistant manager went to an computer based calendar. After swearing by it for years, she was in her office when the building took a direct lightening strike. When the dust and smoke cleared she found that her computer was toast, and the server in the closet in another room that had all of her back-up files was literally smoking. She lost all her appointments (many dozens) and was reduced to sending e-mails to all who she might have had a meeting or call planned asking them to send all their appointment to her so she could put her calendar back together. For weeks she would get calls asking her why she wasn't at a meeting or on a call. My paper calendar just kept on working.

I got my first cell phone in 2001 and still use my reliable flip phone now...