To nitrous or not?

All the gadgets and gizmos in the world won’t save you if the tune up is wrong. You gave some good advice to talk to people knowledgeable in the field I’ll give you that. A 50 shot with a shitty tune will kill an engine. On the contrary a 300 shot with a perfect tune will not.
Let's give this a hugely realistic view...
We're not talking to an 18-year-old kid here likely at least one that can have or build the motor described in post one...
With the money spent on the car and the motor I'm going to assume he's going to do quite a bit of research before he just lets it rip. Probably have his car pretty well tuned up and maximized before he starts a nitrous tune??.. I know my car is well tuned according to the spark plugs the AF gauge and throttle response and all around performance...
As far as a nitrous tune I got quite a few recommendations from Mike thermos himself other people in the know and the recommendations that came from Edelbrock with the nitrous plates themselves... (Which is basically the ones that I went with)..
just like when the op built the motor I'm sure he did a bunch of research and figured out exactly what he wanted to do before he slapped the money down on the barrel head...
In the end I'm going to say anybody with two brain cells is going to think this through back and forth before they pull the trigger...