Carb and Intake for 5.2 Magnum

My point wasn't so much the port size, it was it might not work well with the 5.2 cam's RPM range is all. But, options are limited and the Edelbrock RPM doesn't fit Magnum heads unless you mean this one, Which is an Air Gap like the Speedmaster and Crosswind.

RPM Air-Gap Small Block Chrysler Magnum Intake Manifold
The ENGINE PM intake doesn’t RPM fit the 5.9, cam/RPM wise. But it works really well. BTDT
Port size was a mention of only what the factory offered vs who ever makes an intake.
Other than Edelbrock’s own RPM for the Magnum headed engines, what else does Edelbrock make for the Magnum intake wise. What else would I be talking about?
You gotta be kidding me right? Seriously! This is a joke right?