
well, let me play "lawyer" for a moment.

the U.S. Constitution has a rule that the government can't pass a law making something illegal today that was "legal" yesterday. it's called the prohibition against "ex post facto" laws. that's why when Bill Clinton got the assault weapons ban passed in the mid-1990's, that law only outlawed the "future manufacture and sales" of the weapons covered in the law. the law did NOT make it illegal to own any of the listed firearms if you owned them "before" the law passed.

it will be the same for internal combustion vehicles. assuming we still have our Constitution by 2035. if General Motors says it will stop "manufacturing" IC passenger cars by the 2035 model year, that will NOT make any prior GM vehicles illegal to own or operate. it just means GM will not be producing any new IC vehicles. so you are 100% correct. stopping production does not mean a BAN on IC vehicles. but obviously when the U.S. moves into the world of "electric only new vehicles" the pressure and screws on IC vehicles will mount.

I always thought ex post facto only applied to criminal law.
In other words if something I did yesterday was made illegal today, I could not be prosecuted retro actively for having done it

But are you saying "things" that I have right now legally can't be made "illegal" to have tomorrow?