X-Head Porting....

I couldn't see myself using something that small having it bite and go dance around out of my hand and ruin a seat, valve job, or break ...who knows. Im sure you get used to it, but the vibration has less dampening by the co pact size im assuming.

The burr? Yea its small, but I was told earlier in the thread that the other burrs I got were to big... so I have gotten a couple of smaller burrs. Now I have the SL-5 and SL-3, the one above is the sl3.

My plan is to use the bigger burrs when I want to remove more mass, and then smaller burrs when I want to refine. That's similar to what I do when doing dental work. Idk how it will work but im sure it will be nice to try.

I actually think its going to take some getting used to running the burrs in the electric hand piece, because it seems to spin much faster than my hand drill and even the pneumatic die grinder. Its much more quiet though lol.