How to identify which Wiper Motor (2 speed or 3 speed) Should be on 75 Duster

Get the part #'s off switch and motor, go from there.

The Switch is 3488764 (Most Definitely a 3 Speed Wiper Switch, google results indicate 1972-74 E-Body & 72-76 A-Body 3 Speed Wiper/Washer Switch)

Wiper Motor is 3799083 ( google results indicate its a 72-76 A-Body part number)

and the Linkage's are 3431688 & 3431684, which I don't think are specific between 2 & 3 speed units.

are there any tale-tale signs that would be unique to the wiring I can look at to see if the motor has been swapped? Specifically on the dash harness side since the firewall side of the wiring would have been easily changed with the motor swap if that's what was done.

Wiper Motor Switch Part Number 3488764.jpg